Hawt Baby Mama!

Critics be damned!  Aishwarya shows all of us regular women that losing pregnancy weight doesn’t have to be overnight.  She steps out at Cannes 2012 looking effortless and gorgeous as always.  For the first time, she talked to media about her baby weight issues. She said she is comfortable with the way she is.  “This is reality, this is who I am. This can happen and it happened to me. That’s life. I have never been the one who endorsed size zero anyways.”

Check out video of her here at Cannes AmFAR gala.

Sources own images

5 thoughts on “Hawt Baby Mama!

  1. I’m glad Aishwarya’s come out and spoken for herself. She’s chosen the absolute perfect post-pregnancy outfits. In a way, she seems more comfortable in all pictures after the interviews. Loving the Sabya and the Elie Saab.


  2. I don’t see anything wrong with her at all. I am not even her fan but I just don’t think she needs to loose the weight right away. I see nothing is wrong with her weight gain. Yes, she was thinker before she had her baby but, that doesn’t mean she owes the entertainment industry anything like how her native country is suggesting her to be. Come on people, she just had a baby. It takes time to loose weight whether you had a baby or not. And she gained for for an amazing reason. She brought a life into this world and people are bashing her for still carrying on some weight. She deserves a break from all of those. She looks beautiful. Like I said, I don’t think of her as a talented actress at all but I just had to speak for her in this matter. I really think she looks fine and she will loose the weight when she feels necessary. I can’t believe she is being treated so harshly for something so natural for everyone who gives birth. She looks just fine in all those above pictures. Although, I think she should have used less make-up on the pictures with her native outfit. I wish her the best of luck with her new beginning.


  3. What she says and what she means are 2 different things. She is fat. Stop all the political correctness


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